If you know a thing or two about us, you’ll know we like to keep our case study page updated and as in depth as possible. And for good reason – having case studies that exemplify approach, strategy, goals, and results show off your company’s talents as well as successful client stories. It also serves as a way to funnel in potential new clients and save you time from having to go to a multitude of networking events to get your name out there. We believe they’re so important, that we asked Candice D’Angelo, founder of DMG Management Group, her thoughts and experiences with them.
“Case studies provide your service based business the opportunity to convince your customer that you are capable of performing and delivering results without them having to hear your pitch or try to sell them on ANYTHING!
Before I had case studies I was in a position to network a lot, perfect my pitch and continuously protect my reputation verbally every time someone asked what I did. My case studies give my prospects the opportunity to really qualify themselves before reaching out to qualify me.
Also, case studies offer my clients the opportunity to see what else I can do for them. They may have come to me for one service but find that I can offer them a service they also need but maybe didn’t think so at the time.”
Basically, there aren’t any cons to writing case studies. They help you show off success, build your reputation, funnel in new or potential clients, and overall create a name and recognition for the work you do. So now, how do you write a case study, and what do you put in one?
Determine what client success story you want to write about, and what service that you provide does that demonstrate the best. Then once you begin the writeup, your study should include the goals in mind, the approach/strategy behind it, and the results. Three things that will tell clients how you work, and if you’ll be a good fit for them.
The Goals
What did the client wish to receive from the project they had in mind? Did the client have any problems they hoped that this project could fix or set them on the track to change? What numbers did they want to hit? If it was an event, what was the feel of it, what was the budget, what sort of target audience did they want to reach out to? Everything the client and you planned that’s important, goes here.
The Approach
How did you do everything? What research was involved? Show pictures, graphs, anything that might be supplemental. The process here will inform how you work as an agency to others. Talk about what you did here and then how you did it.
The Results
The icing on the cake here. If it’s an event, have a gallery of photos ready to go. New web design? Show what it looked liked before and after and any data that can go with it. Anything that shows what it was like before the client reached out to you, and then after the fact, with as many supplemental images as possible. Throw in some quotes if possible.
Essentially what your case studies page is, is your online portfolio page. So they need to be the best examples possible to highlight your talents. This page should be organized, easy to read, but also interesting and eye catching. So cut your pitch, and start cultivating your case studies. You can thank us later.
This blog full of perfection and love is brought to you by Kyla Patton.