I'm the founder + lead strategist here at Brand Good Time®, where we craft custom, sustainable marketing strategies and kick some a$$ websites. Click here to learn more.
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In fact, a crazy stat: More people are opening email accounts. In 2020, the number was 4 billion, and according to Statista, that number will increase to 4.6 billion users by 2025.
All in all, It’s like a good Facebook ad… even if they don’t click on it, they’re still seeing it. You’re still in the back of their minds as they see your email pop up in their inbox.
Now if you’re doing this right (aka have an engaged list who OPENS your emails) there are some things you should keep in mind for the actual body of your email in order to know that it’s effective for its intended use.
These are general tips: whether you’re creating newsletters, promotional emails, anecdotal emails, etc.
I learned early on from anti-social-media-as-main-marketing strategy genius Michelle Knight (look her up, she’s amazing) that storytelling is absolutely crucial in marketing. It’s at the base of a lot of MY own marketing and it helps prospective clients buy into… you. At the end of the day, you’re who they’re working with, right? To some extent, they have contact with you, and even as you grow in your brand, your mission/vision/core values should be apparent in the storytelling of a brand.
This doesn’t have to be super freaking drawn out, elaborate or the inspiration for a new TV series. Simple is always… better.
A good example here: the email I sent to promote the kickoff of Season 4:
I was approximately 13 years old when I was diagnosed with OCD.
For me, that looked like counting steps, getting anxious easily and flipping an absolute 💩 when something didn’t go ‘according to plan.’
Which is kind of funny considering 15 years later my blood pressure and HRV are that of a teenager (according to my doctor) but that’s likely attributed to years of therapy and, well, a number of other factors.
Nonetheless, I still ‘obsess’ over things. Much… healthier things.
That said: welcome to Season 4 of She’s Busy AF.
The first episode of this season I’m dishing my latest obsessions (business and not).
My aim with season 4? Be more relatable. Tell more of my story. Laugh a bit more. And mix that up in a pot with more strategy-packed episodes that are paralleled to what myself and my clients are doing to continue kicking a$$ in our ever-changing consumer purchasing climate.
Mainly, I look forward to recording episodes that make you feel like I’m in the room with you just chattin’ it up (I mean this in the least creepy way possible).
Ok y’all. Let’s dive IN.
Long sentences and long paragraphs are challenging for readers to get through. Think about when you’re reading a book and a paragraph takes up the entire page
Also seriously consider the length of your email. If it’s a novel, my friend, maybe save that for a blog post and SEO optimize it
Of course, if the purpose of your email is to be a weekly newsletter that’s anecdotal in nature and you know your audience binges the heck out of it – maybe that’s your jam. But generally speaking with email marketing, you want to get to the point. You want to get your reader to take action.
And to that, don’t be afraid to play with different methods of CTAs. A button to learn more, a hyperlink to a landing page… heck, some of my favorites lately have been the ones with the ‘reply to this email and tell me xyz’ which makes me feel more like the sender actually gives a poop.
Your email list is PERSONAL. You have these people’s emails. They know YOU, you need to know THEM. Instead of saying ‘most people like to’ say ‘you like to’ – it’s the ‘most people,’ after all that you’re speaking to, and those ‘most people’ live right in your email list.
Weirdos like me will always scroll to the end so it’s a great place to be like ‘TLDR, here’s how you can sign up for xyz’.
It’s also a great way to get them somewhere else. If they didn’t take action in the CTA in your email, where can they go to invest more time into you? Your LinkedIn? Your Instagram? A recent podcast episode recapping this email/explaining it further with the same CTA as this email? When considering what to link here, think about where you’re active or what might help them get to the end result that you desire for them.
So many of us are bombarded with weekday emails – but weekends? Unless its Bed Bath and Beyond or Lulus my email inbox is surely quiet. Not a lot of B2B happening there, then. Playing with weekends can help you stand out, especially to those of us who don’t really shut off always on the weekend (which is not a bad thing, I’ll save my thoughts for this on another episode)
How do you know your emails are working? Check the open + click-through rate, but more importantly the click-through rate. If you’re interested in more about metrics, tune into ep 65 where I dive into all of them, what they mean, and how to optimize them
Lastly, I’m so bad at doing this but hey hi I’m a marketer myself and I help my clients do… all of the above. Whether you need tips for your current efforts, an overhaul of your strategies altogether, or help to implement any marketing of any sort – I’m here for you. Click the link in my show notes to learn more about how we can work together and optimize the heck out of your marketing.
As a marketing strategist and business mentor, I help brands grow, scale and expand passion-driven & impact-led businesses that stand the test of time.
If you enjoy reading this blog, you might also enjoy the She's Busy AF podcast - where I dish tips JUST LIKE THESE, for free, in a listenable format. Head on over to your fave podcast platform and tune in today!
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This website was built by the most fun team ever (ahem, it's us, Brand Good Time®).