We’ve been working with Salon Mantra for just over 3 months. Initially, we’d talked about involving influencers into their social media campaigns. In month 2 of our partnership, we started planning an exclusive influencers-only event.
The Objective
The objective for this event was to bring local businesses together to network but also to collaborate with these influencers for promotion of their goods and services.
The Details
We hosted this event on June 5, 2019 from 11am to 2pm. The purpose of this event was to increase exposure in a localized way and drive traffic and sales to the Salon. This event featured local influencers in the Greater Fort Lauderdale area who came to the salon to get their hair done by stylists, get their makeup done by a local makeup artist, munch on food from local restaurants, dressed by local boutiques, and photographed by a local photographer.
The Metrics
We saw an 8% increase in the age demographic 25-24 on social platforms, far surpassing the 34-45 age bracket. A shift such as this is huge when it comes to an online presence for a brand. This shift happened over the course of 2 total months. Salon Mantra’s reach for age 24-35 went from 32% to 41% in this short timeframe.
The Breakdown
2 months of event planning which included influencer research and data accumulation and vendor research
Facilitated and organized legal contracts for influencers
Contacted and scheduled local vendors for attendance and support
Performed real-time social marketing at event
Organized and outlined day-of expectations and managed the event (salon owner was hands-off and having a grand ol’ time)