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It’s no secret at all that you are not alone in what you have to offer in terms of services in the online space – and even in the world. Because of that, it’s easy, and common, to get down on yourself thinking ‘how and why would someone want to work with me in such a crowded space, and how do I even stand out?’
Plot twist: while there are other entrepreneurs in the same space, not one of them is you. It’s absolutely crucial that you build a strong brand and that you’re confident in that brand. Once you have those two pieces, I guarantee the worry of standing out fades majorly, and you’re on your way to building a mighty business.
So let’s get into it! Here are my 4 branding tips for female entrepreneurs:
And I mean crystal clear. At the end of the day, you should be doing work that you absolutely love and that fills your cup all the way up. The beauty of being clear on your passion and purpose is not only that it makes content creation and marketing your business a breeze, but it allows you to be absolutely authentic in the way that you show up.
Write those answers down and make them the core of what you do and how you perform your services to your ideal clients and customers.
A major mistake I see many entrepreneurs making (and I was once one of them) is not having an ideal client in mind. This leads to ‘throwing spaghetti’ at the wall in the world of not just content creation – but service offerings.
Point blank: your service offerings should be derived from a mix of what your ideal client is looking for and how you are passionate about helping them, or you’ll never sell out the way you want.
Additionally, having an ideal client in mind narrows down prospects in the best way possible. By speaking directly to your ideal client ( let’s say she’s a 21-28 year old single digital nomad) you’ll set yourself apart from Sally, your competitor, whose ideal client is a 25-30 year old full time stay-at-home mom.
Bonus tip: our ideal client is often some version of ourselves – because our experience speaks volumes and if we’ve gotten ourselves from point A to point B, then we can help others do the same. Keep that in mind as you navigate the ideal client waters.
You have the market research – now use it. There is so much psychology involved in selling, but you don’t need a psychology degree or to know the ins and outs of it to be able to successfully perform it without wanting to pull your hair out or feel uncomfortable.
It all comes down to how you’re speaking to them and tapping into their fears, goals and struggles.
These all come from the market research you perform. If you successfully tap into the fears, goals and struggles, you’ll find yourself not only growing your loyal audience but converting them into paying clients.
We’ve covered messaging, let’s get into the pretty stuff. Visual branding and visual identity is my absolute favorite part of building an online brand and it is 3000% necessary. In English: the way that you ‘look’ online matters.
Most entrepreneurs graze over having a branded presence or listen to people who tell them ‘you can worry about this later.’
I’m putting my foot down right there. I like to say: you CAN build the plane while flying it – a pretty AF plane that just gets more beautiful with time.
I phoned-a-graphic-design-expert in the creative space to give her two cents, and to further drill the point home; here’s what Shyne Webster of Designed by Shyne had to say: “In reality, building the plane while flying [aka visually branding your biz] can help you build brand recognition & loyalty even while you’re still growing your business! You don’t have to wait until you’re Insta-famous to create a strong foundation. I mean, you wouldn’t want to order something at a restaurant and get a totally different entree, right? So in the same way, your people want to know what you’re bringing to the table from the start. The more accurately you brand yourself NOW, the less confusion and plot-twists your audience will face later on [and the more they trust you]. It’s never too early to be specific and purposeful in the way you interact with people!”
With that said, it’s important you know that any visual piece of content that you publish needs to look and feel like YOU. I’m talking about personalized photography, stock imagery, Instagram graphics, Facebook event covers, Instagram story text – the whole shebang.
If someone were scrolling through their Instagram feed or happened to see a Facebook ad of yours, it’s important that they can quickly recognize (through your branding) that this is you. Be a thumb stopper with your content and grab more attention from your ideal clients by being visually branded. It’s as simple as that.
There are so many factors that come into play with making your brand successful, but by following these tips, you’ll find it’s not at all as hard as it seems.
All you need to do is be strategic about the way that you show up in your business.
Was this helpful, and do you want to learn more? Take it a step further and download my free Efficient AF Marketing Method workbook to help you put together killer content for your brand.
As a marketing strategist and business mentor, I help brands grow, scale and expand passion-driven & impact-led businesses that stand the test of time.
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This website was built by the most fun team ever (ahem, it's us, Brand Good Time®).