A personal branding photoshoot may always look like a lot of fun, and to be honest (coming from someone who has had quite a few) they really are. But they aren’t just for the sake of having content to post on the gram…
They serve a higher purpose than just to elevate your feed.
So what is a personal brand photoshoot? What do you wear for a personal brand photoshoot? First, it’s literally, exactly what it sounds like. Second, that all depends on your brand personality or what the purpose of the shoot is!
Having a personal branding photoshoot will help to fill out the personality and essence of your brand as well as your company’s brand. At the end of the day, YOU built the company or brand you have, and people like connecting with other live humans, not a faceless company.
Let’s dive into some reasons why personal brand photoshoots are more than just important but essential.
During the digital age, images from a personal branding photoshoot become an online first impression.
While the world is slowly returning to normal (fingers crossed) most of your business interactions might still take place in the digital world.
This makes having photo’s that really and truly represent you and your brand well impactful when it comes to making first impressions for prospects or leads or even online networking! Check out my podcast website to see how I utilize my personal brand photos that’s reflective of the brand personality.
The right photos create a sense of trust & confidence between you and your audience.
You ever get a follow from a fellow entrepreneur, and you see their website and Instagram’s content is sort of… lackluster? It doesn’t really convey a sense of confidence of either their product or service or confidence within themselves as a business founder?
Personal brand photos can help create that trust through vibrant and personality-infused photos! Seriously, a picture is worth a thousand words, and you WANT at least one of those words to include “trustworthy”.
A well-executed personal branding photoshoot can lead to sales.
Remember what I just mentioned about trust? Yea, it leads into this: having GOOD brand photos can convert into sales. When your website, products, and YOU all look amazing, it makes potential clients want to work with you.
I know I said personal brand photos aren’t JUST for the ‘gram, but having good photos can also increase followers which will increase website traffic, and hopefully leads!
Professional, branded photos help you stand out from other brands.
You might be thinking – “But Lauren, my services aren’t tangible, how do I photograph myself doing what I do best?” The BEST part of having a personal branding photoshoot is that you can do almost ANYTHING, as long as it speaks to the personality and voice of you, your brand, or your biz.
Take it from me, a mentor, who literally did one of the most fun personal brand photoshoots of my life a year ago in a studio covered with pink balloons – the possibilities are endless! Don’t Get Lost in the Noise | 7 Standout Marketing Tips for Small Businesses
The more unique you develop your style for your content for your Instagram or your website, the more you’re going to stand out and it’s going to help the overall image you’re trying to create- and leave a long-lasting impression as well. If you’re hungry for more marketing tips on how to stand out, make sure to give my podcast episode “7 Standout Marketing Tips for Small Businesses” a listen!