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So you want to know more about...

Brand origin stories that aren’t actually true

Sparked by the new Victoria’s Secret documentary, this episode is dedicated to sharing the REAL stories of a few household name brands. Did any of these totally shock you? Send us a message on IG (@shesbusyaf) and let us know!

August 17, 2022

Brand origin stories that aren’t actually true

personal brand photoshoot

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Campaign launches can be complicated. And daunting. And overwhelming. But they don’t have to be a FLOP. We’re dishing all the deets and how it applies to one particular client of ours in this episode and how you can plan successful campaign launches for years to come! Work with us: Follow us on Instagram: @brandgoodtime

The BTS of launching a brand campaign

The BTS of launching a brand campaign

personal brand photoshoot

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latest episodes

Ways of marketing business evolve. That’s kind of a no-brainer statement. In 2022, there’s no shortage of change. Change to old ways, addition of new ways, and some platforms even straight up jacking ways from other platforms. Staying on these trends (and honestly, ahead of them) is how you set yourself up for success. So, […]

10x+ your visibility as a brand with this marketing strategy

10x+ your visibility as a brand with this marketing strategy

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Truth be told, most businesses are NOT set-and-forget when it comes to growth and evolving of products and services. Why is this? Because consumer needs change. Market trends change. In this episode, Lauren shares how to know it’s time to actively evolve your business, and just how to do it. Follow us on Instagram: @brandgoodtime @shesbusyaf

Is it time to actively evolve your business?

Is it time to actively evolve your business?

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Brand Good Time®

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